A Return to the Blog

It’s been a few years since I’ve been blogging here. A lot has happened since, as you can imagine.

For now, I’ll just post a few images of the new game I’m working on. It’s a single-player RPG. The open-world environment is looking good, and I’m exited to keep working and show-off more results soon.

Long views and lots of foliage
A view of the valley below
Very happy with the progress. Lots more to do.

Ludum Dare 37 — Post 3

Progress So Far
The map is taking shape. In addition to the AI and wall detection, I’ve added doors, a console, and a circuit that connects doors to the console. Doors on the circuit can be opened remotely from the console, the others require a character present.

I’m in that uncertain area where it seems as though there is plenty of time, but the progress is slow. I hope to finish, but there are quite a few things to add.

Still To Do
1. Door power timers (maybe)
2. Door/Circuit/Console connection
3. Baddie Aggression/Targeting
4. Baddie/Door positioning
5. Character actions
6. Combat (guns, explosions, melee)
7. Circuit damage
8. Victory/Loss condition
9. Difficulty settings (timer, population, aggression, etc.)
10. Music/Sound FX

That’s quite a list, and I’m sure there’s more. So, back to work.


Ludum Dare 37 — Post 2

Progress has been made on the level design. The first map has been laid out and the baddies are in place. The baddies’ movement has been programmed to randomize their activity in ‘Passive Mode’. In this state, the baddies simply mill about aimlessly until they are alerted to the presence of intruders. Wall detection is also in place, so that the baddies don’t walk through the walls.

Next up is adding doors to the rooms, the baddies ‘alert system’, and targeted movement of the baddies.

Ludum Dare 37 — Entry 1


It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about Ludum Dare. This weekend is the LD37 game jam. I’ll be participating, but can’t fully commit to the entire 48 hours. The theme for this jam is ‘One Room’.

I’m using this jam as an opportunity to prototype a game-idea that I’ve had for a while. Hopefully it will go well. The game concept is that a derelict space station has been overrun by a horde of mindless baddies and you must keep one room secure while the crew explores the structure to discover the mystery of the staton’s fate.

I’m already working on art assets, as simple as they may be. That’s all for now.


At the Starwerx — The Venture

At the Starwerx

Venture Class

Length 54.5 M
Width 28.5 M
Height: 9.25 M

Making efficient use of it’s small size, the Venture is long-range courier ship, designed to serve the extensive administrative network of the Interstar Corporate Authority. A powerful jumpdrive allows the Venture to travel much farther than other ships of similar size. Originally designed to ferry passengers and small cargo, Ventures are often fitted for scientific, survey, or surveillance missions — all roles well-suited to the Venture’s long-range capabilities.

A Venture Class Courier of the Interstar Corporate Authority
A Venture Class Courier of the Interstar Corporate Authority

With four sections — of which only one is open for customization — most Ventures are specialized vessels. The forward section is variously fitted with cargo bays, electronic warfare stations, science sections, or weapon stations.

Deckplan of a Venture fitted with a forward Electronic Warfare Section
Deckplan of a Venture fitted with a forward Electronic Warfare Section

Ventures are sometimes armed, but primarily for defensive purposes. The ship’s particle drive, while small and efficient, tends to have slower transit speeds and less maneuverability, making the Venture ill-suited for direct combat.

Aft/Ventral view of an independently owned Venture
Aft/Ventral view of an independently owned Venture

Variants of the Venture have proven useful in support roles. As long-range scouts, Ventures are often sent ahead of a task force to report on local conditions. Missile carriers in particular are noted for their ability to deliver long-range attacks from a safe distance. The Venture’s ability to keep pace with larger jumpships makes it a useful addition to interstellar operations.

Venture with a hardpoint missile turret
Venture with a hardpoint missile turret

Where the Venture excels is in electronic warfare. Sensors and cloaking enable the Ventures to act as forward observers or as mobile listening posts. While the ICA is responsible for the security of it’s own administrative duties and closely monitors activity within its jurisdiction, the ICA also contracts with various nation-states to provide intelligence services.

A Venture of the Corporate Surveillance Services, fitted with hard-point sensors
A Venture of the Corporate Surveillance Services, fitted with hard-point sensors

While the ICA exerts great control over its holdings and property, remotely stationed Ventures are often sold to individuals at contract’s end. These Ventures often continue to serve their new owners in their original purpose. The long-range starjump of the Venture is highly sought-after by mining groups, archeologists, and even smugglers.

An independent Venture in the Tiyuh System
An independent Venture in the Tiyuh System

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

At the Starwerx — The Vindex

At the Starwerx

Vindex Class

Length 70.0 M
Width 32.0 M
Height: 8.5 M

The Galactic Imperium’s expansionist doctrines are evident in the Vindex class frigate. The ship is fast, powerful on the offense, and capable of sustained engagement — qualities prized by both admirals and captains, alike. In large-scale battles, Imperial fleets often utilize the Vindex for screening and flanking maneuvers.

Galactic Imperium Vindex Class Frigate
Galactic Imperium Vindex Class Frigate

With six sections, the Vindex is typically fitted with weapons stations and ammunition storage. Hard points are primarily dedicated to weapon placements but electronic counter-measures, such as shields, are not unknown. The composite armors common to Imperium ships ensure the survivability of these systems and keep the Vindex in battle.

Vindex deck plan
Vindex deck plan

Vindex frigates are often found patrolling Imperial systems, but their usefulness extends well beyond routine defense. Their powerful engines are useful in fleet tactics when superior transit speeds are advantageous. The basic design is not known for maneuverability, but upgrades easily improve the ship’s performance in this area.

A Vindex support ship
A Vindex support ship

The strength and stability of the Vindex also allows it to be used in a variety of other roles. Vindex frigates perform well in science and survey missions, as transports and cargo haulers, and as resource extraction platforms. With ample room on board, Vindex frigates permit of a wide variety of configurations.

A Vindex with desert camouflage
A Vindex with desert camouflage

Decommissioned Vindexs are commonly available and the design is popular with lone-wolf spacers. In private commerce, the resilience, speed, and flexibility of the design make it a popular choice throughout the Imperium and beyond.

A repurposed Vindex equipped with a mining boom.
A repurposed Vindex equipped with a mining boom

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

At the Starwerx — The Xebec

At the Starwerx

Xebec Class
Cargo Freighter

Length 55.0 M
Width 22.5 M
Height: 11.0 M

Built primarily for service in the Merchants’ League, the Xebec class cargo freighter is designed for smaller trading operations and/or specialized cargo. Capable of hauling small loads long distances, the vessel is also popular with smaller, independent traders. At 55 meters in length, the vessel’s organic construction is sturdy, quickly repaired, and easily outfitted with a variety of upgrades.

A Xebec displays the standard livery of the Merchant's League.
A Xebec displays the standard livery of the Merchant’s League.

Like many ships of the highly advanced Merchants’ League, the Xebec is built from a combination of numerous alien technologies. The vessel is a living organism. The ship’s hull is an organic exoskeleton strong enough to withstand the extreme conditions of interstellar space and when damaged, can rapidly self-repair. The Xebec also possesses a high-level intelligence capable of learning and adapting. The Xebec’s organic, neural intelligence network provides it with the autonomy necessary for strategy and self-preservation.

A Xebec of House Monato.
A Xebec of House Monato.

While the ship’s command center is considered cramped, with vertical seating for officers, the living quarters are spacious and comfortable. On board accommodations allows a traveling merchant to entertain and negotiate deals with buyers and sellers directly from the comfort of his or her own ship.

Deck plan of the Xebec
Deck plan of the Xebec

A Xebec displays variation of the Merchant's League livery.
A Xebec displays variation of the Merchant’s League livery.

While the Merchant’s League livery of scarlet and gold is widely recognized, many of the more well-known trade houses customize their ships with their own colors and insignias. Brightly colored Xebecs are found in most trade ports across the galaxy.

Aft view of a Xebec in the service of House Kyinato.
Aft view of a Xebec in the service of House Kyinato.

The Condottier Guard, the Merchant’s League defense force, often use Xebecs as patrol boats. Cavernous cargo areas are typically replaced with weapon stations and hard points fitted with turrets, sensors, or shield generators. Such variants are typically deployed in orbital defense or as convoy escorts.

An armed Xebec of the Condottier Guard.
An armed Xebec of the Condottier Guard.

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

At the Starwerx — The Appolina

At the Starwerx

Appolina Class
Passenger Yacht

Length 34 M
Width 23.5 M
Height: 8.3 M

An Appolina of the Terran Diplomatic Corp.
An Appolina of the Terran Diplomatic Corp.

Originally designed as a passenger liner and luxury yacht for well-heeled space travelers, the Appolina is widely recognized as a status symbol of Terran design. The vessel’s comfortable accommodations remain popular with affluent spacers, and the Appolina is also the official vessel of the Terran Diplomatic Corp.

Christened with a feminine form of Apollo, the name Appolina is commonly associated with healing and the bearing of light. For these reasons, the Appolina maintains a rarefied prestige not often found among interstellar space craft.

Appolinas commonly server as medical vessels.
Appolinas commonly server as medical vessels.

Appolinas are also commonly found serving as medical ships. The Appolina’s role as a medical ship began during the Double Epidemics on Molos III when overcrowded hospital ships were forced to turn away both human and vanouri victims. A small fleet of Appolinas were quickly re-purposed for medical duties and the vessels performed well in this new role.

Appolina deck plan.
Appolina deck plan.

From a game design perspective, the Appolina began as a wedge-shaped ship typical of the Galactic Imperium. While experimenting with this design, a very unique shape emerged after refining the mesh and rounding the edges.

Early versions of the Appolina.
Early versions of the Appolina.

The primary model depicted in these images is rendered with a mesh of 17K triangles, while models with 11K and 7K triangles still maintain the graphic fidelity. Ultimately, the ship’s smooth skin relies on a 3D modelling technique known as smooth shading. The final two renders depict experiments with glossy and metallic shading.

Engines and ventral ports visible.
Engines and ventral ports visible.

Metallic skins are popular with some of the more notorious crime lords.
Metallic skins are popular with some of the more notorious crime lords.

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

At the Starwerx — The Raptor

At the Starwerx

Raptor Class
Multi-Purpose Utility Craft

Length 34 M
Width 23.5 M
Height: 8.3 M

Raptor with Desert Camoflage
Raptor with Desert Camoflage

The Raptor is a popular design found throughout the galaxy, but is most closely associated with the Free States where it first saw use and has a long history of both service and controversy.

Originally developed as a utility craft to service industrial sites, the ship was quickly put to use in many other pursuits. With the Raptor’s aerodynamic shape and powerful thrusters, the craft is well-suited for planetary shuttle flights, but the design tends to lack maneuverability.

During the Season of Terror on Atesme I, GravWell Shipyard’s blueprints of the Raptor were made freely available after revolutionaries ransacked the GravWell factory. Soon, numerous variants began to appear, having been built by many smaller, opportunistic shipyards in neighboring star systems.

As the spartan interior is spacious, most on-board systems are easily accessible and modifications are common. The Raptor’s sturdy bulkheads and extra space quickly gave rise to significant power-plant upgrades. Some of the more extreme designs reveal that the Raptor’s speed is easily optimized. While the Raptor has maintained it’s rugged character, it is also considered among the fastest ships in the galaxy. It remains a favorite among pirates, smugglers, and others who wish to elude capture.

The Raptor
The Raptor

This ship was one of the first designs created for the Starjump game. The vessel’s design has seen numerous changes and the final version differs greatly from the early sketches. The ship was always meant to be fast; and to capture the essence of this, the vessel was originally named the ‘Comet’.

Original Sprites and sketch for the Comet
Original Sprites and sketch for the Comet

The design has always called for a ‘catamaran’, or twin-hull style body, originally with large engine nacelles or cargo holds on the port and starboard sides. But eventually, it was determined that these features would be better presented as upgrades.

Excessive speed or cargo capacity is of little use to a player who might be unfamiliar with the vessel, or even with vessel design in general. And — as you will see later — adding these upgrades to a stock Raptor would make for an great achievement.

Raptor profile
Raptor profile

So, when the nacelles were ripped off the side of the ship, it took on a whole new look. The Comet’s new profile made it look like a bird-of-prey diving to earth for a kill. Now the ship’s speed was captured in it’s very design. At the sight of this change, ship was immediately renamed the ‘Raptor’.

The lo-tech engines generate ample thrust, constant vibrations, and a deafening roar.
The lo-tech engines generate ample thrust, constant vibrations, and a deafening roar.

The Starjump game gives players a wide variety of options for upgrading their ships. Some of these upgrades will radically change the ship’s design. Players can choose to upgrade weapons, defenses, on-board components, and even engineering systems. Players can modify ships to their playstyle and can easily experiment with numerous variations.

Rockjocks and Raptor enthusiasts like to show off their skills and speed
Rockjocks and Raptor enthusiasts like to show off their skills and speed

The twin oversized-engine nacelles seen below, were part of the original design. Erring on the side of caution, they were removed for simplicity. When mounted, they give Raptor a very aggressive, over-the-top look.

This variant, the Screaming Raptor, sports Twin Turbine Super-Drives.
This variant, the Screaming Raptor, sports Twin Turbine Super-Drives.

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

At the Starwerx — Vanouri Cruiser

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to give you, the player, some insight into what goes on at the Starwerx. This new column, “At the Starwerx” gives readers an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Cruiser Class
Long-Range Craft

Length 110 M
Width 30.5 M
Height: 16 M

The Vanouri Cruiser is a self-sufficient long-range ship capable of independent operations. Originally designed for system defense, these vessels are also used for scientific, diplomatic, or clandestine missions. An advanced design, the Cruiser requires an experienced and highly-trained crew for optimal efficiency.

The design — like that of many Vanouri ships — has long, graceful lines. However, the Cruiser needed a more aggressive look. The sleek nose of a shark would serve as inspiration for the cruiser’s distinctive shape.

A sleek design, the Cruiser’s silhouette captures it’s long lines.
The long lines of this sleek design are seen in the Cruiser’s silhouette.

With six sections, the Cruiser has many options for customization. Cargo, Medical, Science, and Weapon bays are all useful options that will allow the Cruiser to perform it’s intended role.

Three open bays allow for customization.
Three open bays allow for customization.

The Cruiser’s transit drive, utilizing the gravatic propulsion of Vanouri technology, allows this sleek craft to outrun and out maneuver most vessels of it’s own size or larger. Many missions to which the Cruiser is assigned require the speed that this ship is known for.

Vanouri gravatics provide a high thrust-to-weight ratio.
Vanouri gravatics provide a high thrust-to-weight ratio.

Standard weapon configuration on the Cruiser include an externally mounted large particle cannon and a turreted pair of small particle cannons. Together these primary weapon systems make for a lethal combination and provide the Cruiser with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Hardpoint particle cannons make the Cruiser a formidable opponent.
Hardpoint particle cannons make the Cruiser a formidable opponent.

Versatile and prized, the Vanouri Cruiser is found throughout the galaxy. These ships serve in a variety of roles, seeing fleet service in system defense and escort duties, and also in smaller missions, carrying valuable passengers and cargo to distant stars.

Vanouri traders proudly display their tribe's symbol.
Vanouri traders proudly display their tribe’s symbol.

This cruiser is an advanced design and is not immediately available to players.


A pirate cruiser stalks the trade routes.
A pirate cruiser stalks the trade routes.