At the Starwerx — The Venture

At the Starwerx

Venture Class

Length 54.5 M
Width 28.5 M
Height: 9.25 M

Making efficient use of it’s small size, the Venture is long-range courier ship, designed to serve the extensive administrative network of the Interstar Corporate Authority. A powerful jumpdrive allows the Venture to travel much farther than other ships of similar size. Originally designed to ferry passengers and small cargo, Ventures are often fitted for scientific, survey, or surveillance missions — all roles well-suited to the Venture’s long-range capabilities.

A Venture Class Courier of the Interstar Corporate Authority
A Venture Class Courier of the Interstar Corporate Authority

With four sections — of which only one is open for customization — most Ventures are specialized vessels. The forward section is variously fitted with cargo bays, electronic warfare stations, science sections, or weapon stations.

Deckplan of a Venture fitted with a forward Electronic Warfare Section
Deckplan of a Venture fitted with a forward Electronic Warfare Section

Ventures are sometimes armed, but primarily for defensive purposes. The ship’s particle drive, while small and efficient, tends to have slower transit speeds and less maneuverability, making the Venture ill-suited for direct combat.

Aft/Ventral view of an independently owned Venture
Aft/Ventral view of an independently owned Venture

Variants of the Venture have proven useful in support roles. As long-range scouts, Ventures are often sent ahead of a task force to report on local conditions. Missile carriers in particular are noted for their ability to deliver long-range attacks from a safe distance. The Venture’s ability to keep pace with larger jumpships makes it a useful addition to interstellar operations.

Venture with a hardpoint missile turret
Venture with a hardpoint missile turret

Where the Venture excels is in electronic warfare. Sensors and cloaking enable the Ventures to act as forward observers or as mobile listening posts. While the ICA is responsible for the security of it’s own administrative duties and closely monitors activity within its jurisdiction, the ICA also contracts with various nation-states to provide intelligence services.

A Venture of the Corporate Surveillance Services, fitted with hard-point sensors
A Venture of the Corporate Surveillance Services, fitted with hard-point sensors

While the ICA exerts great control over its holdings and property, remotely stationed Ventures are often sold to individuals at contract’s end. These Ventures often continue to serve their new owners in their original purpose. The long-range starjump of the Venture is highly sought-after by mining groups, archeologists, and even smugglers.

An independent Venture in the Tiyuh System
An independent Venture in the Tiyuh System

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.