At the Starwerx — The Raptor

At the Starwerx

Raptor Class
Multi-Purpose Utility Craft

Length 34 M
Width 23.5 M
Height: 8.3 M

Raptor with Desert Camoflage
Raptor with Desert Camoflage

The Raptor is a popular design found throughout the galaxy, but is most closely associated with the Free States where it first saw use and has a long history of both service and controversy.

Originally developed as a utility craft to service industrial sites, the ship was quickly put to use in many other pursuits. With the Raptor’s aerodynamic shape and powerful thrusters, the craft is well-suited for planetary shuttle flights, but the design tends to lack maneuverability.

During the Season of Terror on Atesme I, GravWell Shipyard’s blueprints of the Raptor were made freely available after revolutionaries ransacked the GravWell factory. Soon, numerous variants began to appear, having been built by many smaller, opportunistic shipyards in neighboring star systems.

As the spartan interior is spacious, most on-board systems are easily accessible and modifications are common. The Raptor’s sturdy bulkheads and extra space quickly gave rise to significant power-plant upgrades. Some of the more extreme designs reveal that the Raptor’s speed is easily optimized. While the Raptor has maintained it’s rugged character, it is also considered among the fastest ships in the galaxy. It remains a favorite among pirates, smugglers, and others who wish to elude capture.

The Raptor
The Raptor

This ship was one of the first designs created for the Starjump game. The vessel’s design has seen numerous changes and the final version differs greatly from the early sketches. The ship was always meant to be fast; and to capture the essence of this, the vessel was originally named the ‘Comet’.

Original Sprites and sketch for the Comet
Original Sprites and sketch for the Comet

The design has always called for a ‘catamaran’, or twin-hull style body, originally with large engine nacelles or cargo holds on the port and starboard sides. But eventually, it was determined that these features would be better presented as upgrades.

Excessive speed or cargo capacity is of little use to a player who might be unfamiliar with the vessel, or even with vessel design in general. And — as you will see later — adding these upgrades to a stock Raptor would make for an great achievement.

Raptor profile
Raptor profile

So, when the nacelles were ripped off the side of the ship, it took on a whole new look. The Comet’s new profile made it look like a bird-of-prey diving to earth for a kill. Now the ship’s speed was captured in it’s very design. At the sight of this change, ship was immediately renamed the ‘Raptor’.

The lo-tech engines generate ample thrust, constant vibrations, and a deafening roar.
The lo-tech engines generate ample thrust, constant vibrations, and a deafening roar.

The Starjump game gives players a wide variety of options for upgrading their ships. Some of these upgrades will radically change the ship’s design. Players can choose to upgrade weapons, defenses, on-board components, and even engineering systems. Players can modify ships to their playstyle and can easily experiment with numerous variations.

Rockjocks and Raptor enthusiasts like to show off their skills and speed
Rockjocks and Raptor enthusiasts like to show off their skills and speed

The twin oversized-engine nacelles seen below, were part of the original design. Erring on the side of caution, they were removed for simplicity. When mounted, they give Raptor a very aggressive, over-the-top look.

This variant, the Screaming Raptor, sports Twin Turbine Super-Drives.
This variant, the Screaming Raptor, sports Twin Turbine Super-Drives.

At the Starwerx

The starwerx is the busiest area of any colony, orbital station, or capital ship. The flight decks and repair facilities constantly see activity. At any given moment, a variety of spacecraft are coming, going, in repair, or being upgraded. Should you require the services of a spacer or tech, you will find them at the Starwerx.

“At the Starwerx” gives readers insight into what goes on at the Starwerx and provides an overview of the spacecraft found in the Starjump video game.

Disclaimer: Images depicted in this post are high-quality 3D renders and not in-game assets. With the game still in development, details are likely to change.

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