Ludum Dare 30 — Entry 4

There’s just a little over three hours left in the Ludum Dare 30 game jam now. I don’t think the game will be completed. That’s another deadline gone. I’ll finish this though — it’s close to completion. The game will make for a nice addition to the Starjump website.

Here’s the latest screenshot:


I did some work on the orbit views. There are images for 25 different planet/orbital-body types. All are in use, some are repeated. There’s a mix of ‘photo-realism’ and photoshopping. It’s a bit wonky. Procedural texture generation would work nicely here.

The colors in the viewer are picked randomly. It’s just a lot of placeholder art. Once the features are working, I can go back and improve on the look of the UI.

Charles Kiptin
Game Jam Insomniac

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