Ludum Dare 30 — Entry 2

A recent rebellion along the Rimward Corridor has brought space travel to a standstill. The outermost Skelli Group, a cluster of stars at the corridor’s end, has fallen to a separatist movement and has broken all ties with the Terran Alliance. Jumppoints along the Rimward Corridor are vital to Terran trade and defense. This corridor connects the interior systems of the Terran Alliance with the Free Worlds frontier.

As General Director of the Rimward Corridor, you have been tasked with eliminating the separatists and reestablishing the corridor’s continuity. Through the use of military force, political negotiations, espionage, and economic measures, you must defeat the newly formed separatist government and reclaim the Skelli Group for the Terran Alliance.

A map of the Rimward Corridor:


And a map of the Skelli Group:


So far the Ludum Dare 30 game jam is going well. More work to do!

Charles Kiptin

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